6m x 3m unit:

R1250.00 per month.

3m x 3m unit:

R850.00 per month.

 An annual increase of 10 % is applicable. (January)

 Payments can be made via eft or with a convenient debit order system. Deposit of Self Storage Unit is required, which is refundable.


· 6 Days a week, 8:00am – 5:00pm.

Alternative times can be arranged.

· Armed Laser beams installed across entrance of Self Storage Units.

· Alarm system linked to EPR Armed Security & staff is provided with panic buttons.

· No work is allowed in Self Storage Units, other than storing, removing, and repacking of goods.

· Personal Secure Storage Units staff to escort to the self-storage unit.


  • Use furniture drawers to hold delicate items.

  • Wrap them in bubble wrap or newspaper.

  • When packing toys or smaller objects, remember to fill boxes completely, stuffing open areas with plain newspaper to prevent collapsing when stacked.

  • Be careful not to store anything combustible (such as paint and chemicals) or perishable (such as food that is not permanently sealed).

  • When storing lawn and garden equipment, drain any fluids prior to storage in order to avoid corrosive damage.

  • Use trash cans to store shovels, hoes and rakes.

  • Use protective covers and treat wood surfaces before storing.

  • Store furniture carefully on boards or pallets.

  • Cover mattresses and store them flat on level surfaces.

  • Always use high quality locks on your unit.

Safe & Secure Self Storage sells locks on-site - Ask the Store Manager for details.

  • When storing delicate heirlooms, use specially constructed boxes, such as wardrobe boxes, and utilize dehumidifiers to prevent mildew build up.

  • Store small items like pots and pans in large appliances, such as stoves or refrigerators.

  • Break down items (such as table legs) and store large furniture (like tabletops and sofas) on end to save space.

  • When storing business files, label all boxes and construct aisles so files are easily seen and accessible.

  • Clean furniture, boxes and the storage unit of all food and perishables.

Prohibited Items

Preventing certain items when renting a storage unit helps ensure safety, maintain cleanliness as well as abide by regulations to protect both the storage facility and its users.

  • Industrial or camping GAS BOTTLES (empty or full).

  • Stolen goods, drugs, explosives, aerosols, and petroleum-based paints.

  • Goods which require special license or government permission.

  • Illegal goods for import or export.

  • Plants or biodegradable organic matter likely to encourage vermin and other pests.

  • Jewelry, watches, trinkets, precious stones and metals, money, deeds, securities, stamps, coins, or any goods of a collectable kind.

  • Perishable items that require a controlled environment IE: FOOD.

  • No animals or animal by-products of any kind.

  • Flammable goods such as petrol, oils or any such substance with a low flash point.

Contact Us

081 830 6940

010 220 5021

Plot 27, N14 Highway, Marabeth AH, Tarlton, Krugersdorp, 1739